Vincent portrait


Sr Software Engineer

About me

I'm a software engineer, specialising in the unique intersection of blockchain technology, web and desktop development.
With an expansive toolkit of programming languages and frameworks, I embody a holistic approach to software solutions, from top-tier front-end execution to seamless back-end processes.
A significant part of my expertise lies in the dynamic realm of blockchain technology.
I have spent years addressing the challenges and exploiting the opportunities connected with blockchain platforms, smart contracts, and decentralised applications.
These experiences have afforded me a deep understanding of blockchain principles and their transformative potential for businesses across industries.

In addition to web development - full stack - and desktop applications, I excel in software architecture, constructing the fundamental structure of a system that best solves specified requirements.
I adeptly balance trade-offs among scalability, reliability, performance, and security to generate software systems that consistently deliver.

As a project management professional, I have experience in leading cross-functional teams to success, leveraging agile and waterfall methodologies to ensure projects meet deadlines and stay within budget.

In every project, I am driven by the challenge of creating impactful, efficient, and sustainable software solutions, utilising the power of technology to drive innovation and transformation.

My Example Projects


NFPrompt is the first Prompt Artist Platform in Web3, which lets you mint your imagination into an AI-Generated NFT.

  • React
  • Next.js
  • Web3
  • Solidity
  • Stable diffusion


ChatterBnb Ltd is a company that offers an AI-powered chatbot solution specifically designed for short-term rental hosts.

  • React
  • Langchain
  • NodeJS
  • MongoDB


OneMint is a powerful platform that enables anyone to easily create, deploy, and manage their own NFT collections.

  • React
  • Solidity
  • Web3
  • Wagmi
  • NodeJS

My skills

My experience


Please contact me directly at my e-mail or through this form.